25 November 2009

Pop Up Nation

I've had a few pre-Thanksgiving pop-up themed days. Here's a little of what I've been looking at.

Majo, picture taker extraordinaire, sent this to me. I am in awe.

I also stumbled across another video this week, on WSJ.com. It's Robert Sabuda, the current go-to pop up guy, talking about his new books and a little process.

And finally, one of the daily emails I get had a pop-up list (I love lists) as a way of remembering Wally Hunt, a pop up legend. The article, by Isis Madrid on Flavorpill, is here.

I think that I love pop ups because they combine picture books, paper play, and movement. They challenge us as readers to see more. Plus, they're just cool.

1 comment:

Majo Tinoco said...

Pop-ups are awesome. I also want to learn how to make popovers.